Friday, September 2, 2011

Make Money While in College - Part II: Need Cash Now!

Okay, during the last blog we mentioned a few ways that you can make money while in college.  Now for the most part, the suggestions in that blog combined making money with long term success ideas.  But in reality, sometimes you just NEED CASH NOW!  We’ve been there and fully understand that times can be hard.  Therefore, here are a few ways that you can make a few bucks within a very short time frame.

1.)    DONATE PLASMA:  If you have never done this before, it can be quite uncomfortable.  However, this is a guaranteed way, as long as you medically qualify, to get a few extra bucks in your pocket immediately.  Compensation can range anywhere from $10 - $60 per donation.  Just set up an appointment with a local clinic (who usually advertise for donors) and get paid with hard cash right after donation. 
2.)    PARTICIPATE IN A STUDY:  Many universities and their respective departments, especially Psychology and other medical fields conduct research studies that need willing participants.  A lot of these studies will offer pay in exchange for your time.  Typically, the more time needed from you the higher the pay.

3.)    FIND A DAY TEMP AGENCY:  There are many local day temp agencies, such as “Labor Ready”, which have immediate positions open for that same day.  The process is easy.  Call in advance and/or show up that morning, work that day, and get paid when you are done.  These jobs can range anywhere from grounds keeping to construction to catering to light clerical work.  This is a good way to get money without making a long term commitment.

4.)    SELL PERSONAL ITEMS:  For immediate cash, you can always take personal items, such as gold, electronics, and sporting items, to a pawn shop.  You will not get top dollar for your items, but you will walk out the door with more money in your pocket than when you walked in.  Just remember, real quality jewelry and rare items always generate the most cash back.  If there are already 50 ipods in one of the cases, most likely you will not get a lot for yours.  You can also list your items on the internet with sites such as ebay and Craigslist.  This will create a longer wait time and definitely more effort on your part.  However, you will most likely generate cash back closer to market value for your items.

5.)    GET FAMILY AND FRIENDS TO SIGN UP TO FLINKEY:  Family and Friends, especially distant ones, are more willing to give you money for food and books if they: 1.) have an easy way to do it; and 2.) know what you are doing in college (major/minor, activities, experiences…etc.).  Flinkey does just that.  Collect college donations from your profile page, collect donations for your group or organization, or sell personal items with Flinkey’s marketplace.  Join the many others who have collected donations from family and friends just from being on this free site.

Next Topic: Interviewing and Job Fair Preparation Tips!